At MTDG, we’re changing the way building managers look at their cleaning company.
MTDG has been providing janitorial services for Houston since 1987. Here at MTDG, we are dedicated to keeping our client’s satisfaction our first and highest priority. Our mission is to exceed the expectations of our customers by providing the most reliable, efficient, and cost-effective service possible. We continue to maintain these high standards through our well-defined and consistently monitored Quality Control Program.
Each account is assigned a Job-site Supervisor, who works on-site during cleaning hours and is responsible for overseeing all of the day-to-day operations. Larger contracts may have several Job-site Supervisors, and area supervisors as well.
The role (and quality) of these people are critical to the success of the cleaning program. We take great care in choosing and grooming the people who oversee our crews.
They are the first to arrive and the last to leave, and are held accountable for all areas under their supervision.
Additionally, your facility will be assigned an Account Manager. For the most part, this person will be your “point man” – The communication link between your company and ours. You will see them often.
Your Account Manager is responsible for meeting with you, and/or a designated employee of your company regularly at your convenience.
The purpose of these meetings is simple: to solicit your feedback, and to keep you informed of our cleaning plans and progress – in short, to insure the greatest level of communication possible.
Regular Inspections
In addition to the daily inspections conducted by your Job-site Supervisors, your Account Manager will be making regular, documented inspections of your facility. Our staff takes these evaluations very seriously! Following an inspection walk-thru, the account manager meets with the Job-site and area Supervisors to go over the results. A strategy and time-line is developed to fix any problem areas. And the evaluation sheets are kept on file until the next inspection.
Systematic Follow-up
All of the supervision, communication and inspection in the world won’t help if you don’t have a good system of follow-ups in place.
When a task is overlooked, we take great pains to clearly communicate the oversight to the crew. Then we follow up to make sure that the problem was resolved. To insure proper communication, and eliminate reoccurrence, we rely heavily on documentation. This takes the guess work out of the equation. And it gives us a running record of the crew’s performance.